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Old January 30th, 2006
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For DVD it needs to be UDF format. Whilst it is possible to burn dvd's as data disks & they'll play in 'some' players, the official dvd format is UDF.

Are you sure about the IFO. Sounds to me like the info file on a dvd that has all the markers, start points, etc. to show the player where to find anything on the dvd disk.

DVD disks should have at least 2 folders; AUDIO_TS (which is empty) & the VIDEO_TS folder which has all the muxed video files & info files. Some players expect to see the AUDIO_TS folder even though it's empty. The audio data is actually muxed together with the video files.

When burning dvd's, it's often better burning at slow speeds. This all depends on the speed capabilities of your data bus, cpu, HDD speed (including fragmentation), how well your dvd brand works with your burner, etc.

I have the most recent Roxio Toast for mac but only an older version of Roxio for windows so I can't see where you might be going wrong. All I can do is suggest, choose dvd video as the output.

It sounds to me like if it will only play on your computer, then the format is data & not DVD-ROM (UDF). The other possibility is you're using dvd+/- format disks & your dvd player will only play one of those formats. Roughly compared, the difference between dvd+ & dvd- is like the difference between VHS & BETA video.
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Burning downloaded movies to disc-dvd-folders.gif  
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