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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2006
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Some people get away with burning them at maximum speed. You can try it & if you don't have any problems then that's fine. By max speed I mean max speed of the dvd disk & what the burner can handle, be that 4, 8 or 16 speed. I just feel it's safer burning at lower speeds as this has always been true for burning video type material. By maximum speed, I mean the lowest max speed of either the disk or the burner. Setting a burner to burn higher than it is capable of or burning a disk at higher than it is capable can do damage to the burner /& disk. So you can not only end up with coasters but also a coffee cup holder.

I simply recommended slower burn speeds for reliability of burning. BTW if you use DVD+ disks then the minimum burn speed is 2.2 or 4 depending on the brand & release version. There's newer versions of dvd disks coming out now & again. (A little like firmware upgrades I guess. They're improved dvd type disks.)
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