Hello everyone.
I am relatively new to LimeWire, but compared to other peer to peer clients I have tried, I love it. One thing I have noticed. I use a satellite connection at home (Starband ...
www.starband.com if you are interested) which gives me a great download speed but my upload stinks. If anyone tries to download one of my shared files it will take them a long time especially since I record my mp3's at a very high rate, and most of my movie files are quite large also. I dont want to apear stingy or limit sharing, but if someone else has a file I have is there any way to point another user elsewhere? I also experience frequent disconects in LimeWire. I dont think its because of my firewall but I dont know where to look. LimeWire works great on my office DSL connection but not at home. I would also be interested in finding out if there is a way to let people know I have files they are searching for. I have seen searches for songs or programs I have that may not be in my shared folder. By the time I move it over a couple of hundred searches have gone by.
Any polite response would be appreciated.