You only have one post to your name. If you posted earlier then I can only guess your post must have been deleted by a moderator for not following the forum rules;
Forum Rules (click here) If you posted anything relating to copyright material or spamming or offensive posts, then that's generally the most common reason for deleted posts.
I see you've only just signed up today. Gads what do you want, mental telepathy to help.
BTW over 90% of questions asked on the forum have been previously asked. That's why we recommend people to use the search button (see button above your post.) Also, 80% of the most commonly asked questions are answered in what's called
Stickys which are found at the top of each section of the forum. The Major topics stickies link to those of other sections so it's very easy to quickly find answers. If you can't find your answer after these efforts, then feel free to post a new thread specifying your problem with lost of details, details of your operating system & set up. And title your thread with what your problem is about. And post it in the appropriate forum section for your topic. People are generally more than happy to help if they can.
This forum gives better & faster responses than the majority out there in net world;