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Old February 4th, 2006
jkbparis jkbparis is offline
Join Date: February 3rd, 2006
Posts: 3
jkbparis is flying high
Default .exe files

Hi Chris,

Apologies - am new to this forum, so think you may have received an email from me also.

Was pleased to see that there is somebody else having exactly the same problem as myself. I have spent hours trying to get hold of specific programmes and all of them - zips, exes, rar breakdown, as you say to .exes which, well do nothing.

I would be interested to know if you have found a solution. I find it hard to believe that all mac users accept this issue without sourcing a problem. Hunting around the reams of info available the only thing I came up with (aside from dozens of software packages purporting to open anything (then don't)), I felt the bottom line is that you have to install Virtual PC 7 (I am using mac osx 10.3.9). I note that you are using this? Is there a straightforward way of getting hold of that? I spent many more hours trying to get hold of that and blocked always on the stage where name, organisation were required. Whilst I have the info, it is dulled so cannot fill in. It's all a bit dull isn't it? Any advice you have would be much appreciated. If I get any good tips, I will equally pass them on. KInd regards, James
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