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Old February 4th, 2006
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pawelsz pawelsz is offline
Phex hardcore user
Join Date: September 13th, 2005
Location: europe
Posts: 56
pawelsz is flying high

But please be aware, that you are placing yourself in risk, if you use pictures you don't have the copyright for, could backfire.
My quick opinion about so called "intellectual property":

1. Dont distribute other peoples materials as your own work.
2. Share with knowledge
3. Knowledge should be free - because it is essencial for humans.
4. Dont try to make money on knowledge (except cost of media etc..)
5. Sharing ONLY for money (piracy) is bad thing.

Knowledge from books, source code, anything...

What is more important for us [b]as humanity[b] ?
Knowledge or "intellectual property" ?

Knowledge is gift for ALL mankind - not just for the rich part...
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