Originally posted by 6_pac Well I don't really see a problem. You got the results you were looking for, maybe not how you thought but it still worked. So now you know, if you can't find what your looking for, change up your search critieria and try again .
See: Skills to continue downlds, Downld speeds, Searching, optimal performance (follow “ALL” the off-shoot links) |
Well thanks for the anwser but im not sure how you say " i dont really see the problem "
In the search result of j*nnifer l*pez , i got 2 "lets g*t l*oud"
If i search for "lets g*t l*oud" i have 300 result .
And in the search of "lets g*t l*oud" , all files have j*nnifer l*pez in the file name .
How so the search show only 2 result of "lets g*t l*oud" when in fact there is more than 300 result ??
Thats kinda more than wierd .