reading the comments about SPHINX and me thinks shes a LINX....
I don't know your idea of a newby but I do think the rudeness to anyone only brings on hate & discontentment. I think that the LIMEWIRE rules also address this.
I for instance may have more years of computer experience than most persons on the internet. I go back before WINDOWS and this simple communications we have today. Come to think of it I go back to tubes and diodes. That does not mean that I will not run into problems at some point. I read many of the inputs and do gain some insight as to the reasons my own downloads fail. I would be extremely irritated if some holier than thou so called senior administator of any type used a condecending comment towards my questions.
Folks I am sure that your computer is also a work processor. Write a letter and snail mail your opinions of the egotists to the owners of this site. The forum is for anyone to get the help they need no matter how inept they may sound. Seniors, if you don't like the question keep your unkind remarks to yourself. You really don't know to whom you are addressing those rude comments.