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Old February 6th, 2006
MFKR MFKR is offline
Join Date: February 5th, 2006
Posts: 4
MFKR is flying high
Default my limewire is haggard. like badly. has anyone else had this problem!?

ok i think my limewire may be slightly haggard... ok.. REALLY haggard.

i'm running limewire 4.10 and it starts automatically when i log in to my computer (Windows XP) but i dont have it set to do that. but it won't connect to the network when it starts up, and i was like "ok so my internets a little screwed up" so i close it (exiting it in the system tray and everything). no longer then 30 seconds later the thing starts up again. its done this about 3 times since i starting writing this. so basically i'm having a program that i can't use pop up over and over again! for the past 2 weeks! i'm goin crazy here guys.
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