My father said thanks for the laugh. He happens to be a retired judge so I called him and read your arguments to him. After he got done laughing he said there isn't a judge in this country that would take your argument into consideration first off he said no judge is that ignorant to believe that your defendant did not know that what he was doing is illegal. Not that it would even make any difference the law is the law ignorance is no defense.
Hey I shot up Heroin but I didn't know it was illegal. (Common Knowledge) Secondly he said if you would have known what you were talking about you would have listed you legal precedences which I have seen none.
If you graduated you need to go back to Law School McGeorge would be a good choice if you could even qualify which I doubt. Then you would not have to be a ambulance chaser and clutter our court system with frivolous law suits.
Any way Peerless if this jerk tries to sue you I wouldn't worry about it. I for 1 would donate to the legal defense fund as I am sure plenty of others would.
I just want to share in the profits from the counter suit.