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Old February 7th, 2006
XxXCryMeARiverXxX XxXCryMeARiverXxX is offline
Join Date: February 7th, 2006
Posts: 1
XxXCryMeARiverXxX is flying high
Default Newbie needing help :)

Hi, i installed limewire for the first time yesterday but i cant get it to open. I've looked throught the other messageses but nothing seems to have worked. when i try to open it the limewire screen comes up (eventually) then waits for a few mins, then in the white bar at the bottom it says either loading resources or loading html, then freezes...sometimes when it freezes it crashes the comp, but not always. I dont know what to do, to get it to work.. i have already removed all java and reinstalled with the off line version. any tips would b great
p.s. i have no firewall running at present.

Cheers -Donna xx

I've been reading more posts and found out about trying to delete .limewire file i have done that and i managed to get a box up when loading asking for language and where i want my files saved to but its now crashing on loading user intrface incase you need to know im on windows ME although it is an old comp that has been "slightly" upgraded, i have latest java and limewire 4.10.5

Last edited by XxXCryMeARiverXxX; February 7th, 2006 at 03:58 PM.
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