Thread: Crash!
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Old February 7th, 2006
Berethorn Berethorn is offline
Join Date: February 7th, 2006
Posts: 3
Berethorn is flying high
Unhappy Crash!

After a LW crash last night I tried loading it up today and got the following message:

Limewire has encountered a fatal internal error and will now exit. This is generally caused by a corrupted installation. Please try downloading and installing LW again
Plus a bit about debugging etc...

Now this install was working fine before last night. How could the install have become corrupted?. I've tried doing a fresh install over the existing one, same message. I tried uninstall/reinstall - same message. I've downloaded the latest version - same message.

I'm currently downloading the latest java but I don't think it will help in this case. However I have noticed every time I do an uninstall reinstall, the reinstall briefly flashes up the window advises of removing existing old files from the previous install. This leads me to suspect there is a corrupted file somewhere? Perhaps a reg file in the windows folder?

Everytime I do an uninstall I've done a search under LW and deleted any scattered files it throws up, no joy.

I am using WXP SP2.

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