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Old February 7th, 2006
julianlede julianlede is offline
Join Date: February 6th, 2006
Location: la
Posts: 6
julianlede is flying high
Angry Test results

Thanks Lord...
Ok, here are the results:
When I open LW (3 P.M.) memory usage is at 72.82MB. Then, did 2 simultanious searches - memory up: started from 78 and at the end of search was at 143.91 MB. (the search took about 5 min). Search stoped but memory usage kept on growing, five min after 3 PM, at 3.05 it was 166MB. Did another search and at the end of it (bout 5 min later, 3.10 P.M.) memory increased to 352MB. Then, I didn't do any more serches till 3.15 it was at 600MB! Did another search at 3.17 P.M, memory was at 700MB. At the end of it (3.21) it was using 1GB of memory. Started downloading something and at 3.30 memory ussage was at 1.71GB. Oh, ok... It crashed at 3.3O at about 1.8GB of memory usage... Can something be done to prevent eating all my memory?
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