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Old December 11th, 2001
Shaktani Shaktani is offline
Join Date: September 20th, 2001
Location: Denmark
Posts: 11
Shaktani is flying high

Well, can't say not being able to run Limewire cost me any money, it's just a darn shame since none of the other gnutella clients out there reach its knees.

The crashes seem to occur pretty randomly -- it usually loads up fine, connects to the networks, and then wham. Sometimes I can run searches and download for up to 30 minutes or even an hour before it goes down.

When it does go down, it's usually one of two things that happen. Either the entire computer freezes and the marquee turns into a little odd thing that at best looks like 4-6 tiny lines of written text, or Limewire freezes but you can still move the mouse -- but in order to quit or do anything you still have to reboot the computer.

It's not at all unlikely that the problem is in truth connected with some of the networks out there -- we all know how fickle Java can be -- question is, whether we can determine the culprit's identity so you folks can fix it. I'll see what I can do in that department at least.
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