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Old February 9th, 2006
Sunshinegal Sunshinegal is offline
Join Date: February 8th, 2006
Posts: 2
Sunshinegal is flying high
Question I need help w/dl speed...I know redundant

I know that this is an ongoing forum topic.....BUT....I have tried just about everything that has been suggested in the forums.

I used to have download speeds easily in the 200 KBs and 300 KBs but now I am lucky if I get it to download at 20 KBs. I am running a 3mg cable modem. I have tried multiple fixes...I asked my provider if they limit or block p2p sharing, they said no. I am using Windows 2000 xp w/Norton Internet Securtiy 2006 and running Limewire 4.10.5 PRO version.

I don't understand why one day it would be working great and then all of a sudden drastically diminish in speed. Is there anyone that might have any other suggestions for solving my problem..

Thanks in advance for any help I might receive......

hoping and praying for a solution
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