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Old February 9th, 2006
Meses Meses is offline
Join Date: February 9th, 2006
Posts: 2
Meses is flying high
Default I have Mac OS X 10.4.4 and Limewire 4.10.5-it won't open

I upgraded my OS to 10.4.4 and tried to open limewire(the version that comes before 4.10.5) and it would bounce on my dock a few times then not open. I installed the latest version of limewire (4.10.5) and it still does the same thing and won't open. Has there been a new java release in the past few weeks that would make limewire not work anymore? i had the previous version working fine with Mac os x 10.4.3 and before then it worked well also; the first time I noticed the problem was after i upgraded to mac os 10.4.4. I don't specifically blame the OS upgrade, but I'm not sure what else could have done it. I had changed my computer's date back to september 2004 by mistake before now, but I set the time back to the right time(Thur Feb 9 2006) before trying to open limewire (during the first time that it wouldn't open) so I don't think that would be the problem.
I understand that there will be various errors sometimes when an upgrade is installed or when a new limewire comes out, but I just don't get how unless my installing 10.4.4 messed things up somehow, why limewire stopped working. Even more strange, why would a system upgrade mess up limewire? Did the 10.4.4 upgrade have a java update that could have confused limewire? Even then, the new limewire upgrade should have solved that problem.
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