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Old February 11th, 2006
Sarabeth73132 Sarabeth73132 is offline
Join Date: February 9th, 2006
Location: Florida
Posts: 6
Sarabeth73132 is flying high

Roadrunner high speed cable is my ISP. I think it will work when I get my laptop. I really think it's just my computer, b'c I used to be able to do P2P all the time before Best Buy "fixed" it, and ever since then, I've been able to do basic web surfing, but not on secure sites. I also tried to download the new "legal" napster but it wouldn't let me do that either. So HOPEFULLY as soon as my laptop comes in, this will work. The Best Buy guy that I bought it from said VERY OFF THE RECORD...=) that Lime wire was the best. He also "suggested" the if I was interested in "DVD backup" I could google it to find out how, since he couldn't actually tell me with out jeapordizing his job. I know thats off subject, but it was funny at the time.
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