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Old February 13th, 2006
Cookie_187 Cookie_187 is offline
Join Date: February 13th, 2006
Location: Wauchope, NSW, Australia
Posts: 6
Cookie_187 is flying high

i was told by somebody else that the lines coming up in the show incoming searches on the monitor tab are what people actually type in and search for, not the users who get a match to one of your shared files. and that there is no usernames at all even for people who have bought pro.

so the words coming up in the show incoming searches box are what people have searched for and have got a match to one of my shared files?

when i enable show incoming searches, i get a message saying:
"Your client is a leaf node shielded by an Ultrapeer. Hence you will see few or no searches in the monitor window."
but the searches stream down the box, so that works anyway.

so what exactly is 'leaf' mode? does that have something to do with not being able to get a direct connection? i can't because of that 'napt' stuff in my adsl modem/router apparently.

Last edited by Cookie_187; February 13th, 2006 at 03:07 AM.
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