These fakes I see out there, evidenced if you search for "Kate Bush Aerial", are very likely propogated on purpose by commercial companies. I presume music labels hire third-parties to do this.
There used to be the MP3 fakes that had maybe 10second of real music, then annoyingly loud static. Some now are silence, and a majority of them seem to fail connection.
It's pretty easy to spot them, and often times you must be diligent in looking for "real" files that are often with a differently formatted title, bitrate, etc.
I recently saw a /24 that seemed suspiciously active in this, which I traced to a commercial ISP. They had several ports listening (evidenced by a simple scan of their hosts). Very likely as per above.
The IP pools that have these fakes are diversified. There are some t3's but a lot of other dsl/cable. Some of them maybe innocent victims of fakes, others very likely not.
Comments, suggestions welcomed. |