TIP for NJ OptOnline Customers! Hi everyone! I've been reading all the posts lately because like many of you, my Limewire stopped connecting for some reason. I tried everything and finally called Optimum Online because many of the posts said that they were blocking the P2P connection. Well, the guy assured me that they weren't and he actually told me he lives in this area and was just using LW the other day. The point I'm getting at is that he told me to change my port within limewire to a port between 50000 and 65000. I changed it to like 51002 or something like that (it doesn't matter) and now it works! So, try this because I tried everything and this was the only thing that worked! I just figured I "owed" it to many of you because I would have never thought to call OptOnline if I hadn't read the posts! Good Luck! |