I didn't get around to trying 4.10.7, but just trying 4.10.8 now. I notice my pre-4.9 incompletes refused to load. lol Anyway more to today's issues, I've been finding some odd behaviour. Tiger 10.4.4 with Java 1.5; Audio downlds are seeming to freeze LW during verification (just small files) but the downld & importation into iTunes still continues. I was surprised to see my search & verfication freeze (at 90%) but then iTunes open & import. Similar for the next file. A total freeze of LW except for prefs. 3rd downld the same, froze at 93% verification but iTunes still imported it. The freeze seems to last for a reasonable time after iTunes has imported it. There doesn't appear to be any jump in VM or ram during that time but cpu does jump up.
Making sure we understand correctly a during the verification process the entire LW application freezes, but an import into iTunes succeeds, and eventually LW recovers from the freeze? If so, does this happen only with audio files of certain size? Does it also happen with video files (those should be shared with iTunes), and any other type of file?
What exactly do you mean by "A total freeze of LW except for prefs." Are you able to open and use the LW preferences? Do they get saved properly if modified?
Could you please try to compare whether the cpu and disk activity of 4.10.5 during the verification phase with that of .6, .7 or .8. Also, if you could get a stack trace during the freeze it would help us a ton.