Normally I don't promote anything but this interesting little box has made a gigantic difference in my internet performance.
This is especially important with LimeWire.
For about 60 bucks US you can eliminate the lag induced by your router. Yes, the crappy routers induce a lot of the lag you experience.
Instead of repeating a lot of stuff here just go look at this forum thread and get up to speed:
Then, if interested, here is the info you need:
Hawking Technology Broadband Booster (HBB1)
Google on: Hawking Technology Broadband Booster
Note: I can run Limewire with all connections, up and down, active, play COD2, and another PC on the router playing WoW, and there is no lag. repeat... no lag.
The files stream down via LimeWire at optimal speeds while I enjoy other activities.
Yea buddy.... forget about paying roadrunner for a bandwith upgrade. 60 bucks just save me a lot of money over time.