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Old February 20th, 2006
riverbum riverbum is offline
Join Date: February 20th, 2006
Posts: 3
riverbum is flying high
Default A couple questions if you dont mind...

Hello, I am very new to limewire and its capababilties (since x-mas), but have a few questions....

1. Are the fbi/other agencies focusing on downloading or sharing? Is one worse than the other?

2. I dont want to be a leech, but I finally figured out I was sharing about 3500 songs, well over the 700 mark that seems to be the consensus. Living in the US, Im naturally worried. Do you think i was at risk for the month and a half when I was totally ignorant to what i was doing?...

3. I want to share, but not get in trouble. Im assuming the new stuff has plenty of sources. I would think sharing older or rare music would be more beneficial to the users of limewire...any personal thoughts?

Thanks for the constructive comments.
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