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Old February 22nd, 2006
Wallylama Wallylama is offline
Join Date: February 22nd, 2006
Posts: 3
Wallylama is flying high
Default Also needing search help

I've searched repeatedly throughout the threads here and can't seem to narrow down my thread's issue, so I'm posting it here. Sorry if this has already been answered.

Ok, I downloaded LW Basic last week and got about 15 songs real quick. After that I let it sit for a few days, until I got my songs arranged where I wanted them.

Now for the last 3 or 4 days I've been trying to download ANYTHING with LW and the searches all come up with nothing. I've tried every mode and method that I cold find to get a single search to find anything. I've looked thru the FAQ's and the forums and haven't found this issue anywhere.

I am working with my home PC and have given firewall access, but still find nothing.

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