Hi Zephyr
From a older persons point of view they have taken away a good opportunity to talk to you and give you guidance you can use through life. By taking your music away they are not addressing that part of the real world. It is like they are sticking there head in the ground and saying it doesn't exist.
I personally do not care for the lyrics of allot of todays music it seems to me all that they talk about is sex and violence. My booty this my hump that (basically I am a hoe) or (I am Pimp and watch it or I will pop a cap in your XXX) etc. But it does have a good sound and beet and generally makes a person feel good and that is what music is all about the feel.
I myself never prohibited my children from listening to anything although I did at times control the volume but when you are pumping out a thousand watts it can get a little out of control at times. Unless of course it was some of my Acid Rock

their are some advantages to being the parent.
My parents used the same strategy with me I was allowed to listen to whatever I wanted I my time the music was about sex, drugs & rock and roll. But my parents used the music as a opportunity to talk to me on a level I could understand and while it may not have sunk in right away, (I will say I was a typical kid and had a bit of a wild side). The words they said to me during those discussions did stick and had allot to do with the way I turned out latter in life.
Now my 13 year old granddaughter brings her music over to listen to she is into rap and hip hop. And we have discussions about the music and what she wants out of life. As far as I am concerned your parents are making a big mistake they are removing a perfect opportunity to communicate with you at a age when communication is very important.