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Old February 24th, 2006
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Bridget Bridget is offline
Join Date: February 15th, 2006
Location: montreal
Posts: 16
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Question dvd+rw and dvd+r

ok so know that i figured out the downloading and burning lol here is my next question i have been using the verbatim dvd+rw
untill i got the hang of the movie thing the dvd+rw burn great in my laptop and play great in the dvd player now here is the thing
i switched to using maxwell dvd+r and when i burn it the whole thing burns then at the last second it comes up error burn failed the whole movie is burned but it goes funny at the end it wont even play in the dvd player it doesnt even register as a dvd
how come??? whats the difference? im not doing anything different? i even changed the speeds to see if that is the problem
im using nero 7 ultra edition and it doesnt seem to like the dvd+r ?? lol or is it because i switched to the pro version of limewire lol
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