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Old February 28th, 2006
Sphinx Sphinx is offline
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Join Date: August 7th, 2005
Posts: 971
Sphinx is flying high

er, yes they have WON, many cases, small cases, they sued a 12 year old girl from the States a few years back remember? she had TV theme songs she was sharing. She had a thousand plus songs & lived the Projects, her mom was single and didnt have the money to pay the fines so she had to raise it. The little girl was forced to delete her songs. cant remember the P2P app she used at the time. another case was a 78 year old grandfather, whos grandson was downloading music, and got sued. so yes, they ARE winning, you're just not hearing much about it anymore.

and its showing how little you know about American Law. Our gov has nothing to do with the RIAA. The RIAA does what it wants, when it wants. Has nothing to do with our fat, ugly, greedy, scumbag Dem/Rep Politians.

Last edited by Sphinx; February 28th, 2006 at 10:05 AM.
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