It's all about
money. I don't think the riaa/mpaa are interested in suing the average user of p2p network. There's no money in it. Plus they would be shooting themselves in the foot by going after the consumers that they want to buy their products. Though they could go after a couple people to try and scare others off

What I think they will do (and what they are already doing) is go after the p2p networks. If that means getting the laws changed then they have the power to do it. Especially with a sympathetic administration in the White House. Also if something does pass I think the US will pressure Canada and the UK to follow suite.
Did you read the second article in Grandpa's post?
The operators of this eDonkey site chose not to exercise control over files being traded by users which including those containing child pornography, bomb-making instructions and terrorist training videos.
That right there is an example of the way they could turn things around to get what they want. Also I'm not so sure that they have to change laws, maybe just set some precedent that could have far reaching effects in the courtrooms.
I don't know the law so I can't get into a legal debate. These are just a few of the things rattling around inside my head
