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Old March 2nd, 2006
sixthcrusifix sixthcrusifix is offline
Join Date: March 2nd, 2006
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sixthcrusifix is flying high
Default Limewire Is Curropted in a WEIRD WAY! HELP!

Limewire worked fine yesterday, except I could ONLY download really REALLY popular songs that had like a million people with teh same file. Everythign else was just qued forever and ever and needed more sources (I did change the pop-up thing so it asked me for a liscence and that's how i was able to download anything at all)

But now, the mouse doesn't do a damn thing anymore. I can type in a search and press enter and it will do a search, but the mouse won't actually click on anything, I just see teh mouseovers of the buttons etc.

What's going on? I didn't change anything at all....
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