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Old March 2nd, 2006
sixthcrusifix sixthcrusifix is offline
Join Date: March 2nd, 2006
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sixthcrusifix is flying high

Originally posted by Sphinx
No clue but you will need to provide a bit more detail like: where did you download Limewire from & what java version you have installed, what OS you have and your system specs please? and, make sure you are connected fully to the internet while downloading from Limewire. Also, you might want to browse the forum stickys for they have lots of useful info in them.

On the licence thing, you might want to turn that off, not on, for downloading or else you won't be able to dl much from Gnutella.

Actually I had to turn the liscence pop-up ON or I (suddenly) Couldn't download anything at all.

Windows XP (home/sp2)
Latest JAVA (5.0)
Perfect Internet Connection (250 Kb/s DSL)
2.3 Ghz Anthalon 3000 Processor
160 GB HD
Downloaded LimeWire 4.10.9 from (Official Website).

I have looked trhough teh forum stickys but to no avail so far.

I don't get it, limewire was working perfectly fine and then 2 weeks ago I just couldn't download anything at all. THEN when I turned on the liscencing pop-up so that I could choose "download anyway" for each download I was able to download Willie Neilson's new song and then nothing after that and now the mouse won't do a darn thing.
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