>Don't download dmg files using internet Explorer. Most advised is to use >Safari. Update your Safari. Open Disk Copy & go to preferences & turn >verification off. And drag & drop the downlded file onto Disk Copy
I've now tried this onmy wife's and son's machines both of which have current Safari - same error.
>Other Disk Copy solutions: No Mountable File Systems (Error 95):
I tried the relevant suggestions - no good
>Another alternative, I don't know if this will still work or whether I should >sugget it as it was something a proggie suggested to me a day or 2 ago as >a trial. Open Terminal & copy & paste the following in & press enter (BTW >your Terminal is found in your Utilities folder):
>curl -L -o LimeWire.dmg "http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOSX"
No success.
Any other options?