Thread: incomplete!!!
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Old December 15th, 2001
pezankor1 pezankor1 is offline
Join Date: December 9th, 2001
Posts: 5
pezankor1 is flying high

ok and what if it dosent have mp3 after it?? then what?? So like when i do a serch lets say for **EDIT** it comes back with 600 results, my problem is that i look at the file size and one song said4,569,no thats a full song, so i downloaded it, the user didnt kick me off or any thing and when it was done it went inti the incomplete folder, and said t-324234 and then the title, and when i looked how big the file i just downloaded was it was only 836 kb whats up with that, thats my problem????? can anyone help me ???? lime wire was rated a 10 out of all the music sharing software,why i dont know its set up cool easy to use but it dosent work well it dose if u want 40 sec of a song, and if its so good why do the have thier own fourm whit 5000 different peoples problems, all i have to say is that winmx worked awsome untin i go xp professional but now it out of 10 download attemptd i might get 1 if im lucky why is that i dont know, well thanks for letting me vent but is there any one who can help me???

Last edited by Remoc; March 7th, 2009 at 01:23 AM.
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