Thread: Hesitent
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Old March 5th, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Sure, ignore all files less than 1 MB (1,000 KB). Also use the junk filter whenever you see a file that is less than 1 MB yet, should be larger. Any program is going to be multiple MB's. A major program could be between 50 MB (50,000 KB) to 700 MB. See Arrange search results by size (click on link) so your largest search results sit at the top of the list. If there's nothing over 1,000 KB then obviously you'll need to vary your search & keep searching.

Also scan all files with anti-virus & anti-spyware/adware programs before attempting to open. Perhaps you should see WARNING: Viruses on network you should be aware of! (click on link)
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