Ok, having some problems finding my java executable so I can put it in my path... I think a few things have changed since some of the other posts regarding this problem so I need some clarification.. I installed Java just fine but, from what I understand if I don't put it in my path LimeWire wont run so... When I type the command to find the executible I get this..
find /usr/ -name "*j2*"
I know in a lot of the other posts I see a java version earlier than 1.5 so, I'm not sure if thats the problem or what.. I also noticed that the command looks for J2 and my file starts with JRE..
What in the heck am I doing wrong?
What should the executible look like?
Any help would be greatly appriciated!
Oh, not sure if this will help or not but I'm running the newest version of Mandriva.