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Old March 6th, 2006
wondering why's Avatar
wondering why wondering why is offline
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Join Date: September 11th, 2005
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 6,677
wondering why is just really nice

Let me try to explain things clearly to you....
1st of all Limewire does not come with adware,spyware or viruses..
2nd of all what you choose to download is your choice...
3rdly if you choose to download a copyrighted program that is a virus its your choice...There are stickies here to help you avoid particular file sizes and its up to you to read them...
4thly Limewire in no way can control what people share and neither can the gnutella network....Now you need to educate yourself on what p2p means.....
And lastly the people who give their time to this forum do it out of kindness and many of them have been using this program for years, and they actually know what there talking about, so when your told something by someone who has posted over 1500 replies to enquiries take note as they do know what their talking about.....

I hope this has helped clear things up for you.....
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