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Old March 6th, 2006
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birdy birdy is offline
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You don't have to remove a firewall, unless you have 2 running (only run 1 or it'll cause probs). Just make sure your firewall's configured for LW. Instructions for it here

Firewall probs can also be due to modems/routers having an internal firewall. There's info in the thread...see if your router has a NAT firewall. If your router uses UPnP, it should be turned on in the unit & also ticked within LW (tools > options > advanced > firewall config. Tick use UPnP & apply). Do the port test & see what result you get (see link).

If this isn't any help, tell us your details
OS(Win XP etc)
LW & Java version (help > about LW & you'll see)
Firewall you're using
Modem/router brand & model
Connection type (DSL etc)
Where you connect from (home, school etc)
Are you sharing a connection with other computers
Is this your first try with LW

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