Thread: file sharing
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Old March 8th, 2006
doobydoo doobydoo is offline
Join Date: March 7th, 2006
Location: canada
Posts: 2
doobydoo is flying high

it's not that I am a freeloader or trying to downlaod free and not share its the fact that it takes forever for anything internet related.
And my internet provider says that it is limewire slowing down my connection and to YES try lowering my upload speed. My speed for lite speed is ONLY 10 mbps so yes I am on very lite speed, and if it didn't interfer with my internet connections then I would be happy to share my files.
But please don' t insult me by saying that I am a freeloader and a person who is unwilling to share, I am just sick and tired of having to use my friends and other's computers to check my e-mail for mine takes way way too long otherwise. and until I fix my uploading from limewire i will be stuck using others computers rather then my own.

Is there a way to set my uploads to 1 or 2 this way I can still share a few, and how would I go about it.
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