hello people.. ive been using LimeWire for a while now and its great. i have 1,000+ songs downloaded..
the other day i clicked on the link at the bottom of my LimeWire that said "New Version Availible. Update?" .. so i clicked on it to update from my old version.. right.. and i go to install it and it says the i have to exit an already open LimeWire program.. so i exited it... and then i was installing it but then it said "this installation is corropted please download it again) and so then i tired downloading it again.. and again.. and deleted my old LimWire files and whatnot.. and then i tried opening LW from my desktop.. and it said "there are un nessasary files or limewire installed" .. or somehting like that and it gave me the options of "copy report" or "ok" and i clicked ok and nothing happened.. and i couldnt open the program anymore.
i also tried the link at the beginning of this thread and the exact same thing happened.. it keeps saying "this installation is corropted" .. it sadens me because i loved LimeWire and i downloaded alot of songs to put on my mp3 player.. and now i cant use it at allll.
so basically.. im having the same problem as the user "is this username taken?" and a few others i can see. does ANYONE have a solution to this problem?? PLEASE POST ASAP. i want to start using LimeWire again!! lol.. or if anyone has another free downloading program like this one.. let us know. IT IS GREATLY APPRETICATED.
