The ads really don't bother me personnaly. Of course, I'd rather they were not there but, there's obviously nothing any of us can do about it now.

As long as LimeWire isn't tracking what websites I'm visiting, and selling that information to another company, I'll stay happy with the program. I've seen repeated posts with people flying off the handle about LimeWire installing spyware, then a moderator or developer says, " Hey, it's just some ads, no spyware." The issue stays mute until a new release comes out, and then the same person just flips out all over again. I don't know if people are expecting LimeWire to get rid of the ads or something but, it's obviously a neccasary evil. As far as the spyware, LimeWire reps have repeatedly said there is none so, no problem right? Unless someone has proof that LimeWire is selling personal information to some other company I think the issue is closed.