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Old March 12th, 2006
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Default Part 2 Speed readings

Speed readings in LW seem to be all over the place. Whilst I don't always suffer speed discrepencies like the example here, they do happen. I've noticed other people greatly concerned about this. Such as showing upload bandwidth use when they're not uploading.

In the example, keep your eyes on both the downld speeds & the total downld speed specified at the bottom (also no. of downlds!) Also, there's an example of when I had my uploads set to 4.97 KB/s & it was showing 8 KB/s. My total capacity btw is 27 KB/s downlds & 64 kbps uploads. Sorry about the many examples (13) but just to show incorrect readings in all aspects of overall & specific. All are arranged in chronological order covering a 16 minute period although I left out a couple of samples after 40 mins. The last example was from a day or 2 earlier. (btw in the example I gave above, I accidentally left one of the same files out of the example which started with a different letter.)
Attached Thumbnails
Idiosyncrasies of LW 4.10.9 Beta part 1-speeds.gif