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Old March 12th, 2006
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Default LimeWire 4.11.0 Beta

Content Filtering
How are we to know what files are prefered not to be shared without the possibility of connecting to a site that may log our address? (Well obviously it will log our address as is the way with the web ... point being this address is usually ignored. I doubt they will ignore it.)

Is there a list somewhere we can visit rather than have LW secretly connect somewhere we don't know to find out.

I doubt my shared files are on such a list but ... I'd like to find out.

So are we going postal yet. xxx going postal...

I also don't see any of the issues solved that I brought up here about LW 4.10.9 beta

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; March 12th, 2006 at 06:44 AM.