Thread: direct connect
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Old March 14th, 2006
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Both you & the other person need to be properly configured in regards to firewalls or else direct connect won't work. Also, you both need to have available both upload & downld slots & bandwidth at that time.

Do this test: Bug Report instructions & sample image Is the result True/False?

If false, then it shows you're firewalled. This is usually also reflected by a brick wall in front of a globe icon at the bottom of LW.

Make sure your software firewall is configured to allow LW full access. Also make sure UPnP (universal plug & play) is enabled on your modem/router. If your device does not have this ability then most likely manual port forwarding is required (this does not apply to dial up users.) Instructions for all of these are here: Connection problems? Check here first! (click on link)

More on direct connecting here How to use Magnet Links & Direct Connect. BTW magnet links is a good way to send files to a friend. Once they start downlding such a file, you can both browse each other. Browse works best if Chat is enabled (Tools>Options>Chat)
Attached Thumbnails
direct connect-firewall-detection-lwb.gif  
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