One thing you can do is to educate yourself as to P2P saftey one thing that is vital to learn is that when you see allot of files the same size in different searches there is a good chance it is a virus.
The virus you have is found in software searches file size of 851.7KB it will be found in virtually every software search you do. Now 851.7kb is a pretty small file most software is at least 5MB usually 100MB to 700MB not KB that should have made you think something is wrong. Any time you DL something scan it with your anti virus before opening it. Never DL and open you are asking for a virus if you do.
The link 6_pac left for you has instructions to get rid of this virus. If you can not get rid of it there is also a link to Norbie's world in there go to it he will be able to help you get rid of it.
Read the Stickies at the top of each page there is allot of good information in them and they will help you allot. If you would have read these prior to using LimeWire you probably would not have this nasty little virus now.
P2P apps can be great tools if you learn how to use them but be careful there are allot of viruses out there especially in software.
A little common sense goes a long way
Later Grandpa |