Sick - I agree, and now the kids can't use Limewire I'm a woman in my 30's and i'm no prude. But I do agree that there is far too much "adult" material / porn (of every kind going) on Limewire, and it has ruined it for my kids (who aren't even teenagers yet).
I will not allow my children to download from Limewire due to the FACT that when you search for something - no matter what, you get "adult" material.
I ask them what they would like downloaded, and I do it for them. I will NOT have my children exposed to this type of material. And I worry about those children who are accessing and downloading material that is not appropriate for them, without their parents knowledge, and the mental scars / damage it will / has done.
It is not only un-appropriate, but annoying when you're looking for something and it's bombarded with this "adult" material.
Note: When I say children, I mean those children who are under the legal age of consent (as dictated by the Law of their country).
Why doesn't Limewire crate an "Adult" Limewire version for all of this material ?
I do not intend to offend anyone, but make a meere point. |