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Old March 19th, 2006
Lukio Lukio is offline
Join Date: March 18th, 2006
Posts: 14
Lukio is flying high
Question I am still trying to get it to work.

I have followed all the steps that Lord of the Rings recommended.

I am still unable to get Limewire to open. It Lists HTML and then shuts down still. Therefore, I went to finder and typed limewire and trashed all of that. I went system preferences/firewall and deselected grutella.

Now, I went to the limewire site and downloaded basic. I am going to go into firewall and allow grutella and try again.

I will post if this did or did not work in a moment.

Oh, I also called applecare but they just told me that they did not handle application problems. They did show me how to get my firewall up and running after I uninstalled norton. This is old news though.
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