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Old March 22nd, 2006
Blade Blade Blade Blade is offline
Join Date: March 3rd, 2006
Posts: 24
Blade Blade is flying high
Default LimeWire bandwidth management

Why does LimeWire tie up bandwidth even when I am not downloading anything? Soon as I start LimeWire all other things drop to a dead slow connection even when I don't download anything with it.

Is this how it is supposed to be, if not, what could be wrong?

Basicaly I have two choices at this point: 1) Run LimeWire and nothing else, or 2) quit LimeWire soon as I don't need it and then I can run browsers, e-mail ... etc.

I have other programs for downloading files such as Speed Download that only ties up necessary bandwidth and I do not need to quit it if I want to use other applications.

Why is LimeWire tying up bandwidth even when it doesn't need to? Even right now I am downloading 1 file that is coming down with 1kb and I still can't do anything else. My e-mail program doesn't run, can't browse the net, my internet radio drops its connection and can't reconnect, everything halts even though I have 1200 kbps bandwidth and LimeWire only uses 1kb.

When I use Speed Dowload I can still use the rest of the bandwidth, Speed Download doesn't tie up all. It only takes away as much as it needs and let's other programs take the rest. Soon as it is done with downloading a file, my internet is fast again immediately. LimeWire kills everything else, I have to quit it to let other programs run.

Then it just gets worse. Even after I quit LimeWire and run a bandwidth test, I only get 400-500 kbps. Then I unplug my modem (Cisco 678) and plug it back again, I get my full bandwidht back again. Soon as I start LimeWire again and do the same thing it ties up bandwidth and keeps most of it tied up even long after I quit it.

Something is seriously wrong here.

Last edited by Blade Blade; March 22nd, 2006 at 11:46 AM.
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