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Old March 22nd, 2006
bjakt bjakt is offline
Join Date: March 22nd, 2006
Posts: 2
bjakt is flying high
Default Preparing to install...

Whenever i open limewire it starts loading as normal then stops doing anything and opens up a windows installer 'Preparing to install...' dialogue which never goes away until i close limewire.exe in task manager. Sometimes this happens right at the start of limewire loading and sometimes limewire seems as though it has fully loaded and has connected by the time it has come up.

I cant think of anything that could have triggered it. Ive been running limewire for a long time now and i've never had this problem before. It just suddenly started happening!

I'm running XP Pro SP2. I've tried reinstalling limewire several times and running old builds of limewire and i've reinstalled Java Runtime Enviroment. I've tried running it in NT Compatability mode. Nothing seems to work!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Attached Thumbnails
Preparing to install...-grr.jpg  
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