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Old March 23rd, 2006
beckylynn420 beckylynn420 is offline
Join Date: March 23rd, 2006
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 1
beckylynn420 is flying high
Unhappy Move from the Library

Hello....okay I downloaded *** onto my library and I can see it there but now what do I do with it? I do apologize if this is an elementary question but this whole thing is new to me and I cant seem to figure it out....Just in case you need to know what I am working with I do have Windows XP, and external Maddog DVD burner and DVD Shrink and Media Player9....dont know if you need to know this or not but if someone could tell me how to watch this movie and I HOPE it is the whole movie, you would make a pregnant woman very happy!!! HAVE A GOOD DAY NOW
p.s. one other question does 144.4MB sound like it would be the correct and full movie or did possible load a porn? Took it like 3 hrs to load so I was curious...thank you

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Last edited by Lord of the Rings; March 23rd, 2006 at 04:48 AM.
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