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Old March 23rd, 2006
Ratna Ratna is offline
Join Date: March 22nd, 2006
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Default maybe a fix

He Blade Blade,

Ive searched the net for solutions for the problems we have with the new limewire version, but there don't seem to be any. Even with the new java etc etc it still doesn't make a difference. Its a sad situation indeed. I've even read at forums that people with the ibook 10.3.9. who used the new limewire that there comp. now has a memory leakage. Scary!

There are a few things to try out though. Do you have the new java version yet? If not try that. You could also try and download the beta limewire version. This info i got from 'lord of the rings' that on you can download a beta lw version & choose the nightly builds link.

This unfortunatly didn't work for me. What did work was throwing my new limewire version away (all of it) and then i downloaded the 4.9.27 limewire version on . Now limewire works as it did before i got the lw 4.10! I'am quite releaved now.

Good luck to you! Hope you'll fix it!

Last edited by Ratna; March 23rd, 2006 at 07:54 AM.
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