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Old March 24th, 2006
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Default Re: painfully slow downloads

Originally posted by butterfingers_2005
This weekend i downloaded limewire on my other computer and all went well, i have a good connection and dont have any firewalls however it took forever to download limewire since it would start downloading at 40-56 KB/s and then slow to 0-5KB/s. When I download music it wont download at more than 5KB/s and usually just downloads between 0-3KB/s. Lately it has been between 0-1 and it takes me 3hrs to downoad 1 song. I have a wireless connection similar to DSL and I did a speed test and got 650-700 KB/s. Why does my limewire download so slow, anyone got any suggestions.

It might be because there are others downloading the song at the same time you are. Also, the person with the song may have a modem which is slower than dsl, cable and the others. It took me forever to download a song yesterday and when it got near the end of the DL it said it was corrupt. I have the same song on my PC but it's not completed. It was cut off before it finished downloading.
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